Grow Your Real Estate Business: Be Bold, Not Aggressive

I often hear the word "Aggressive" associated with sales or growing your business. “Be aggressive in your lead generation efforts,” for example.

For people who love to serve, that word immediately makes us go 😬.

Aggressive is defined as “ready or likely to attack or confront, or pursuing one’s interests forcefully.” It implies a motive deeper than service and immediately paralyzes service-minded professionals, preventing them from growing their business.

For my service-minded real estate agents and other business professionals, I challenge you to replace that word with “Bold.”

Bold is defined as “showing an ability to take risks; confident and courageous.”

Confident and courageous.

Let’s replace it in what we’ve said already:

“Be bold in your lead generation efforts.”

“Pursue your interests boldly.”

“Be bold in your pursuits of people to serve. Who better to serve them than you?”

By embracing boldness, you can grow your real estate business without compromising your commitment to service. Boldness allows you to take risks, stand out in the market, and build confidence. It encourages you to be courageous in your endeavors, ensuring that your business growth is both impactful and aligned with your values.


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