Tailored Solutions for Your Real Estate Goals

In the shifting landscape of the real estate industry, agents and brokerages alike are often in need of training and support to reach their goals. New agents need training to help them learn how to navigate contracts. Seasoned agents look for strategies to grow their business while finding balance personally and brokerages seek high quality training to invest in their realtors. 

Through her experience as a REALTOR® and then as a broker training other agents, Ivey has a unique perspective on all sides of real estate transactions - and the gap that exists in real estate training. Many agents and brokerages pay thousands of dollars for online training courses from national trainers. However, online training lacks nuance for specific and unique challenges. Agents who cannot afford high rates may pay less for weak training that will cause them to make important mistakes on contracts, leading to lawsuits at the worst and lost deals at the least. 

Ivey knew she could make something better - a business that tailors to a variety of clients in all phases of their real estate journey. 

SMART Real Estate Consulting was specifically designed to help agents build a referral business. All services use SMART goals to create a healthy business. Rather than a ‘get rich quick’ mentality, SMART Real Estate focuses on helping build a sustainable business model that will be successful for years to come. S.M.A.R.T. according to Ivey stands for: Specific, Measurable, Accountable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. 

SMART Real Estate Consulting’s services include training, coaching and consulting - all designed to fit a variety of needs and budgets.

SMART Training

  1. Do Good + Top of Mind: All an agent has to do to build a referral-based business is “Do Good” and “Stay Top of Mind.” This multi-module course focuses on delivering high-end service to clients and customers while creating a sustainable routine to grow their client base.

  2. Business Planning: This quarterly training and coaching module not only helps agents create a plan for growth, but helps them execute it while staying in alignment with what matters most.

SMART Coaching

SMART Real Estate Consulting offers one-on-one coaching for agents looking for an extremely personalized approach to meeting their financial and personal goals. All coaching sessions follow the three stages of Discovery, Planning, and Execution. SMART Coaching protocols are completely adapted to the individual, meaning recommended duration and cadence will depend on the client. Packages start at $500/month.

SMART Consulting

SMART Real Estate Consulting works as a “Borrowed Broker” for firms to reach their growth goals. Our consulting packages vary depending on the needs of your firm, but a typical engagement could include a SWOT analysis, objection handling strategy, scalability strategy and accountability for execution. 

Not sure which service is right for you? Connect with Ivey to learn how she tailors to each client depending on their goals. 


What's Smart about SMART Real Estate Consulting