What's Smart about SMART Real Estate Consulting

Experienced real estate professionals agree that successful transactions and ongoing business growth requires smarts. For SMART Real Estate Consulting, though, ‘smart’ denotes more than you may think. SMART’s acronym lists business goals, originally coined by George T. Doran in the 80s. The original stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound.

Throughout Ivey’s years of experience, she’s taken the SMART acronym and adapted it to her business model, which helps her clients find lasting success in the real estate industry. To her, it stands for: 

  • Specific - Specific goals narrow your focus and help you zone in on what matters. The practice of getting specific about where you want to go can help you take the first steps toward reaching it.

  • Measureable - Not only is it important that your goals are specific, but also that they can be measured. Having a routine system in place to track your success and learn from your mistakes is a vital part of growth.

  • Accountable - Letting others in on your goals allows necessary feedback. Welcoming trusted voices ensures that you stay on the right track and continue to improve. 

  • Relevant - In a career like real estate, you are your own boss. It’s easy to let the noise of what others are doing distract you from what matters most to you in business and in life, but keeping your tasks focused on your specific goal will encourage steady growth.

  • Time-bound - Your clients expect you to work efficiently for them, which means you have to work efficiently for yourself. Time managing your calendar in a way that works for your whole life, not just your career, will enable you to bring your best self to serving clients.

The SMART elements paired with the company’s “Do Good” and “Stay Top of Mind” mantras, are at the core of each service offered by SMART Real Estate. Wondering how you can apply SMART goals to your real estate practice? Let’s schedule a free consultation today.  


5 Facts About Ivey Jacops, the Founder of SMART Real Estate


Tailored Solutions for Your Real Estate Goals