The One Thing You Must Do To Grow Your Business

We have talked before about the activities you should be doing to grow your real estate business. The one common denominator those activities have in common is consistency.

Whatever it is you choose to do your business, you will see no success if you are not routine and consistent with those efforts. In order to grow, you must be consistent in your efforts.

What does consistency look like?

One of the difficult things about growing a business is sorting through the many different things you can do to grow. There are so many options, choose the one or two that are aligned with your strengths and master them. Do not change until you have maximized the time and monetary investment. Why? Because it’s what you are good at, and you will see the easiest growth capitalizing on the strengths and infrastructure you already have in place.

The problem?

Giving up. “It’s not working,” so you ditch that effort and try something else. Perhaps something someone else is doing to be successful, or some coaching guru is yelling at you to try on Instagram (IYKYK), but is not aligned with your strengths.

The result?

Wasted time. Wasted money. You half invest in a strategy without giving it your all, then you change strategies and waste the money and time you spent on the last strategy.

Patience is key to any strategy, but especially those aligned with your strengths.

It’s so easy in today’s digital world to lose patience quickly because we are constantly flooded with success stories of others who are doing something different.

Newsflash. You will not see immediate results. On rare occasions, you will send a postcard, post a video, host an open house and immediately land a new client to serve. A sustainable business is  one that doesn’t get distracted by every shiny, new strategy and is built on consistent strategies that leverage the strengths of the team or individuals and capitalize on the opportunities of the market.

Business Plan

Choose the one or two main areas of focus to grow your business. Plan when and how you will execute these activities each day, week, and month. Be specific in the activities you need to do and make sure it is attainable to do those with your current lifestyle and capacity. If not, what can you outsource to make room?

Stick with it

At least give your strategy 6 months of consistency according to your plan before changing direction. At the end of those 6 months, evaluate the results you saw:

Did you see the results you wanted? If not, does the whole strategy need to be scrapped or do you need to tweak something about your efforts?

If you did see growth results, can you invest more time or money in that or have you maximized the growth potential there and need to invest in an additional avenue to see continued growth?

At SMART Real Estate Consulting, we have the tools to deep dive and plan with you. We’d love to help you find a consistent routine to execute your strategy to grow your real estate business.


The Hidden Secret to Effective Time Management


How Coaching Helped a Top Producing Real Estate Agent in Greenville, SC have more time for her family and grow her real estate business.